Community service and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it.

  •   In support of our U.S. Army Community at Fort Carson, CO, and as has been tradition since 2003, the Pikes Peak Chapter of AUSA co-sponsors the 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson Men's and Women's Running Teams. These active duty runners are specially selected and train in their off duty time to compete in the Military District of Washington (MDW) MWR/AUSA Army Ten-Miler Race each year. This year the 4ID Men's Team won 1st Place in the team competition for the eighth time. The Women's Team took 2nd Place. The Teams were awarded their trophy recognition at the end of the 10-Miler, and were again recognized by GEN Ham at the Opening Ceremony of the AUSA Annual Meeting on 14 Oct 19. We are extremely proud of our runners and the hard training they put in year by year to compete and win. In support and respect for our Teams and all Ten-Miler runners and their family and friends who come out to root them on, one of our largest outlays of funds each year is to deploy, set-up, provision, staff, and clear a "Hooah Tent" at the Ten-Miler start/finish area in the Pentagon parking lot. This demands incredible 

"Voice for the Army - Support for the Soldier"

Since the 2020 ATM was a "virtual" event due to COVID-19, we will leave this 2019 article posted in honor of the 2019 4ID/Ft Carson Running Teams!

People like to support community resources that they use themselves or that benefit people they care about.

Every person counts!  Volunteering provides valuable community services so more money can be spent on local improvements.

a chance to give back

transportation and logistics planning and execution from Colorado Springs to Washington DC each year. Special recognition goes to two of our Chapter Past Presidents, LTC(R) Gordon Hamilton (now Executive Vice President) and SGM (R) Chuck Moneypenny (current Treasurer) for their extraordinary time and effort--and personal expense--in planning, organizing and executing this feat. Many of our Chapter Community Partners also contribute funding and other support to this annual operation. As we are a co-sponsor with the Fort Carson MWR, we also thank GS-10 Ms. Sabine Clark* from DFMWR, Fort Carson, who teams with our Chapter to ensure clear distinction between the MWR and PPC-AUSA roles and responsibilities so that both AUSA and the Command follow appropriate support procedures IAW AR.

4ID & Ft. Carson Men's & Women's Running Teams with CSA GEN James McConnville & CG, 4ID & Ft. Carson MG Matt McFarlane (Generals are two tallest in the top row)

you make a difference

Civic responsibility

  • Involvement in the community is a great step to become a respected leader, build commitment to your neighbors and community partners and most importantly, rally the public around a shared goal.  Example: 22 years of Pikes Peak Chapter Support to the Mountain Post Running Teams.


We have supported Soldiers, Families, Veterans, Retirees, Reservists and Guardsmen through a myriad of events and programs. The below list is provided to give a glimpse of our past accomplishments in the Pikes Peak Chapter of AUSA:


  1. AUSA National Convention/Army 10-Miler


  1. Armed Forces Luncheon
  2. AUSAPPC Golf Tournament
  3. AUSA National Convention/Army 10-Miler


  1. Colorado Regional Conference
  2. AUSAPPC Golf Tournament
  3. AUSA National Convention/Army 10-Miler
  4. Membership Luncheon
  5. AUSAPPC Mixer


  1. AUSAPPC Golf Tournament
  2. AUSA National Convention/Army 10-Miler
  3. Membership Luncheon
  4. Veterans Writing Program


  1. AUSA National Convention/Army 10-Miler
  2. General Membership Meeting Luncheon
  3. Army Birthday Cake Presentation to NORAD/NORTHCOM/SMDC-ARSTRAT Soldiers assigned to Peterson AFB
  4. ASYMCA & ACS Army Spouses Day Support
  5. Fort Carson Retiree Day Support 1st Annual Turkey Shoot Fundraiser at CMSC


  1. Supported the 241st Army Birthday (12 June) with donated cakes to Army units at Peterson AFB
  2. Supported the Fort Carson MWR Army Ball on 25 June at the William "Bill" Reed Special Events Center
  3. Presented JROTC Awards to various High Schools at the end of the school year
  4. Launched a new website in July
  5. Held our 2nd Annual Turkey Shoot Fundraiser on 24/25 September with Gen. Ham (National AUSA President & CEO) in attendance 
  6. Represented PPC at the Annual National Meeting and Exposition in October
  7. Deployed the Hooah Tent for the Army 10-Miler
  8. Supported NORAD Tracks Santa


Why getting involved in your community is important?

​​Association of the U.S. Army - Pikes Peak Chapter